Hey, welcome to animerankers.com! Today we decided to embark on a journey to rank the Top 20 Super Natural Anime. So here it is. Hope you like it. 20. Owarimonogatari In October of his third year in high school, Koyomi Araragi is ...
READ MORE +Hey, welcome to animerankers.com! Today we decided to embark on a journey to rank the Top 20 Super Natural Anime. So here it is. Hope you like it. 20. Owarimonogatari In October of his third year in high school, Koyomi Araragi is ...
READ MORE +Bleach is one of the most well-known and iconic anime of all time. This show is filled with great characters and has an epic storyline. So today we decided to embark on a journey to rank the strongest characters of the series. Here’s a list of the Top 10 ...
READ MORE +Naruto is the all-time favorite of anime lovers. It is an iconic masterpiece ever to be created. As most of you all the first anime I ever watched was Naruto and when it ended the fight thought that came into my mind was ‘Is there any other show like this?’. The answer was yes. After a long ...
READ MORE +Hello folks, welcome back to animerankers.com! It can't only be me who thinks the recent hype has all been about villains, we're talking mentally sick or weirdos with deranged mindsets, and for all that, they are oddly sexy! On top of that female villains have been a hot topic ...
READ MORE +Hey, welcome back to animerankers.com! One Piece is one of the longest, still ongoing manga series of all time. Eiichiro Oda was onto something when he created a few of the most thoughtful and outstanding characters. Here I am, once again setting off to venture into creating a ...
READ MORE +Naruto is one of the most iconic anime to be created. Throughout the series, we have seen many great and powerful characters but most importantly what we have learned is that strength isn’t everything. Planning is as important as attacking. Similarly, intelligence holds equal ...
READ MORE +Welcome back to animerankers.com! In most anime, the women character is created stereotypically. They are shown as pretty and fragile because men prefer them that way. What men don’t understand is how attractive buffed and muscular anime girls are. Keeping this point of view in mind I decided ...
READ MORE +Hey, welcome to animerankers.com! As we know villains are an integral part of any show so today, we decided to embark on a journey to rank the Top 25 Most Loved Anime Villains. So here it is. Hope you like it. 25. Amber Amber is intelligent and ...
READ MORE +Welcome to animeranker.com! Over the years we have seen anime creators sexualizing female characters. I am pretty sure all of us have asked the same question “why not dudes?”. If you are looking for the top 20 muscular male anime characters only of all ...
READ MORE +Hey, welcome to animerankers.com! Today we decided to embark on a journey to rank the Top 25 best Romance Anime for you to watch. So here it is. Hope you like it. 25. The Ancient Magus' Bride Chise Hitori was the child nobody wanted. Told by ...