Ash is eager about becoming a great Pokémon Trainer. In terms of personality, Ash is a strong individual who battles with confidence and has a great deal of sympathy for Pokémon, generally assisting and befriending them throughout his long trip. As a result, Ash despises Trainers like Damian and Shamus who mistreat Pokémon. Many people, including May, Dawn, N, Serena, Lillie, and Goh, look up to Ash as a role model. In fact, his skills and abilities, as well as his unpredictability, regularly astonish people. In battle, Ash’s approach and tactics are frequently problem-solving, such as thinking on his feet during special matches or relating to Pokémon’s particular and unique talents. In addition, Ash values the opinions of his friends and has always stepped in to assist him whenever he has been stuck. Ash is a person who is generally nice, fearless, enthusiastic, passionate, and daring. He can, however, be obstinate, irritable, and short-tempered.

“There’s no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you.”
Ash Ketchum
“The world’s greatest Pokémon Master is waiting for me! Let’s use our Pokémon to get to that island!”
Ash Ketchum

“You see, sometimes friends have to go away, but a part of them stays behind with you.”
Ash Ketchum
“Reality can really bum you out…”
Ash Ketchum

“Well, if you just try hard enough, things will work out. Won’t they?”
Ash Ketchum
“Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while.”
Ash Ketchum

“I am too weak to work, but a Pokémon battle isn’t work.”
Ash Ketchum
“Do you always need a reason to help somebody?”
Ash Ketchum

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Ash Ketchum from the anime Pokemon Go. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!