In Fullmetal Alchemist, Lust is a prominent opponent. She is the first of the Seven Homunculi to be presented, and she plays a key negative role in the story. She pretended to be cool and confident, but when forced into a corner, she grew agitated. She was devoted to Father, motherly to Gluttony, and seemed to get along well with Envy, but she despised Greed. Lust despised humans, believing them to be fragile, predictable, and generally foolish. Lust wonders where homunculi like herself go when they die in her final moments before being killed by Wrath, stating that one of the reasons she wanted to become Human was to experience “death.”

“You can be so cruel with words… Then why must you return your brother to the way he was?”

“Memories…of the people we were. They’re subtle but they’re real. It took me a lot of time to understand what I saw… Books say we shouldn’t have memories. Or at least they’re only the memories and emotions of the alchemists who made us; that we see. But they’re wrong…Those memories are mine.”
“You shouldn’t seek all the answers; believe me. You may not like what you find..”

“You humans are such sad and weak, foolish creatures.”
“You killed me. I hate losing. But there worse ways to die than at the hands of a man like you. I love how cold and focused your eyes are. I look forward to the day when those eyes will be wide with agony. It’s coming. It’s coming…”

“Maybe you are right. Where did I come from and where will I go? When I die? Maybe all this time that is what I wanted: the freedom to find out.”
“Bloodshed gives way to more bloodshed. Hatred breeds more hatred. Until all of the violence soaks into the land, carving rivers of blood. And no matter how many times it happens, they never learn. Humans are made up of violent, miserable fools.”

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Lust from the Anime Fullmetal Alchemist. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!