Korra, unlike her predecessor Aang, is “extremely tough, very headstrong, and not afraid to get into a fight,” according to her designers. Despite her talent, her stubborn and fiery disposition makes it difficult for her to study airbending or interact with the Spirit World. The element diametrically opposing to the Avatar’s personality is traditionally the most difficult for the Avatar to conquer. The waterbender Korra, on the other hand, had minimal difficulties with firebending but a lot of trouble with airbending, a spiritual rather than elemental problem. Naga, a polar bear dog, is her best buddy and animal guide, and his power helps Korra get out of many difficult situations.
“Even Though We Should Learn From Those Who Came Before Us, We Must Also Forge Our Own Path.”
“It’s The Avatar State, And I’m The Avatar. Who Appreciates It More Than Me?”
“Well, I’m About As Opposite An Airbender As You Can Get.”
“Well I’m The Old Avatar And My Era Is Not Over Yet.”

“Fighting Is Something The Old Me Would Do. That Always Made Things Worse.”
“I Needed To Understand What Real Suffering Was, So I Could Become More Compassionate To Others.”

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Korra from the anime Legend of Korra. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!