Carmilla is presented as a seductive and manipulative femme fatale. She is very egotistical and will go to any length to achieve her objectives. She showed to be a competent politician, as she was able to turn Dracula’s council’s affairs inside out, even questioning him while retaining the illusion of loyalty. Carmilla is shrewd and cautious, yet she is also arrogant and overconfident. Despite Dracula’s enormous personal strength and demon army, she felt she could overthrow him by killing his vampire generals and fighting him directly. This was exceedingly unlikely, given the degree of Dracula’s power revealed later in his fight with Sypha, Trevor, and Alucard.

“Because I take things away from stupid, evil old men. It’s what I do. I’ve always done it. They deserve to lose everything. And I deserve to have all their stuff.”
“So, that’s my plan. Take over a long enclosure of land, surround it, rule over it like the empresses of old, and drink all the humans forever. Brilliant, isn’t it?”

“That’s the wonderful things about humans. Leave a handful of them alone for five minutes and they’ll make more little humans. Self-replicating food.”
“The vampire groups in this corridor are hopelessly splintered and very likely decimated by the battle at Braila. The humans are in complete chaos, hiding in villages and being picked up by abandoned night creatures loose in the field… We enclose this corridor with all the humans in it.”

“This is us. We have never been able to project our power west. Too many strong nations. But if we look east… we see an entire region fractured and devastated by Dracula’s actions. From here to Braila. Our march from there to here defines a destabilized zone with no real power structures or organization.”
“Mm. Virgin’s blood. Oh, bless your dead little hearts. You do still love me.”

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Carmilla from the anime Castlevania. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!