Dark Yugi begins as a ruthless vigilante. He reappears to avenge those who have trespassed on Yugi’s and his pals’ souls. Despite his good deeds, he stays up to his reputation of Dark, as his Penalty Game punishments are usually exceedingly harsh. Later, while residing within Yugi’s body, he appears to develop a more loving, kind, and friendly personality, even though he had always had that in him and that it had been revealed to others thanks to Yugi’s friends’ companionship. Yami is a Pharaoh who is strong, powerful, and talented. In his usage of the Shadow Magic from his Millennium Item, he strives to strike a balance between darkness and evil. Unlike Yami Bakura and Yami Marik, he never uses it for personal gain, preferring instead to help others in need and to punish only those who have mistreated innocent people horribly. He has a quiet demeanor.
“Ready or not, Spirit, this is where you take over.”
Yami Yugi
“If you can’t understand the darkness in your opponent’s heart, you will never comprehend the pain and suffering of others.”
Yami Yugi
“My grandfather’s deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does contain… the unstoppable Exodia!”
Yami Yugi
“The gift of kindness that you’ve given and the courage I’ve given you will remain with us, and that will forever bind us.”
Yami Yugi
“You’ve fought a valiant duel, my friend, and this is the hardest move I’ve ever had to make. But this ends now!”
Yami Yugi
That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Yami Yugi from the anime Yugioh. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!