Vegeta was introduced as an aggressive, ruthless, merciless, and unrepentant evil who, according to his Saiyan nature, would kill everything or anybody without hesitation. Vegeta is mostly defined by his enormous pride, refusing to be defeated by opponents who are weaker in combat than he is. It has aided and injured him in numerous encounters, including his battles with Dodoria and Zarbon, Android 19 and subsequently 18 after achieving his Super Saiyan form, and the time he allows Cell in his second form to reach his Developed Form. It is for this reason that he has difficulty expressing his emotions, and it is also for this reason that he aspires to be the strongest fighter in the universe.

“I do not fear this new challenge, rather like a true warrior I will rise to meet it.”
“There’s no such thing as fair or unfair in battle. There is only victory or in your case, defeat.”
“Even the mightiest warriors experience fears. What makes them a true warrior is the courage that they posses to overcome their fears.”
“You can take control of my mind and my body, but there is one thing a Saiyan always keep… his PRIDE!”
“Push through the pain, giving up hurts more.”

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Vegeta from the anime Dragon Ball Z. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!