Ragnarok, who is coupled with Crona, began the series as a villain but repented himself when Crona did. Despite his redemption, Ragnarok continued to talk down to Crona, effectively making him an anti-hero. However, in the manga, the two rejoin Medusa’s side. Crona’s mind eventually bends too far into lunacy, and she and Ragnorok kill Medusa and go on to create Kishin without her. Ragnorok can enter and exit Crona’s body at will, generally from behind her. He is frequently only seen up to his waist.

“How could you punch me Crona!? I don’t believe it!! You have no idea how it feels to be hit by you!”
“Well, I’ll tell you! It’s like when you haven’t crapped in 3 days and 3 nights, and then you get a toilet water splash back bonus when you unload it

“You think I’m gonna let you talk to me like that?!”
“What you got under there, huh!? Nice dress, pansy. Don’t try to fight back!”

“I wouldn’t be getting too cocky if I were you, stupid humans!”
“What’d you do to me you ugly cow!?”

“What are you doing here?! I never agreed to be your friend!!”
“Wow, that panty-shot of you was more of a turn off than I’d expected, you cow!”

“You don’t have much to look at under there, do you? Cow…”
“There is Crona’s screech alpha you know. Heh, just thought I’d mention that. Don’t know why though. We’re onlookers. No way we’re gonna help you… Not even for 3 pieces of candy…”

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Ragnork from the Anime Soul Eater. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!