Zenitsu comes out as a coward, claiming that he doesn’t have much longer to live owing to the deadly nature of his job as a Demon Slayer. Despite his strength, he has low self-esteem and even considers himself useless, as seen by the fact that he couldn’t believe he had killed a demon and convinced himself that it was Shoichi, despite the fact that the latter was a small child with no unique demon-slaying abilities. Zenitsu is constantly terrified and sobs and attempts to flee whenever he sees danger, claiming that he prefers to live a simple, normal life rather than that of a Demon Slayer.

“Gramps Did Smack Me Around A Bit Too Much, But He Never Abandoned Me!”
“I Hate Myself More Than Anyone Else.”

“I Always Think That I Have To Get My Act Together.”
“If You Master One, That’s Cause For Celebration.”

“If I’m Scum, Then You’re Trash.”
“I Can Only Do The First Form, But You Can Do Everything Except That.”

“To Find You, I Just Listened For The Sound Of Complete And Utter Betrayal And Followed That.”
“Don’t Ever Give Up. Even If It’s Painful, Even If It’s Agonizing, Don’t Try To Take The Easy Way Out.”

“I’ve Protected It. You Told Me… This Is More Important To You… Than Your Own Life.”
“If You Can Only Do One Thing, Hone It To Perfection. Hone It To The Utmost Limit!”

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Kimetsu from the anime Demon Slayer. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!