Zaheer is the Red Lotus’ leader, a martial arts expert, and an anarchist who believes in the building of a new world without the White Lotus’ Order, the four nations, or the Avatar. He became an Airbender during the Harmonic Convergence of 171 AG, and after letting go of his final terrestrial bond, he unlocked the power to fly, becoming just the second person ever to do so. Zaheer and three of his accomplices were apprehended and imprisoned in different high-security prisons while pursuing their objectives. He escaped the Order of the White Lotus’ custody thirteen years later after becoming an Airbender and subsequently rescued his companions from prison.

“The Natural Order Is Disorder.”
“True Freedom Can Only Be Achieved When Oppressive Governments Are Torn Down.”
“Maybe I Forgot To Mention Something To You… I Don’t Believe In Queens.”

”So, We Lucky Few. This Band Of Brothers And Sisters Of Anarchy, Are Witnessing The Beginning Of An Era Of True Freedom…”
“I Thought I’d Never See You Again.” “I Never Doubted.”
“Neither Of Us Are The Same As Before. I Learned To Fly, But Now I’m Bound In Chains…”

“Accept What Happened To You. Don’t Fear What Might Have Been.”
“You Think Freedom Is Something You Can Take Or Give On A Whim. But To Your People Freedom Is Just As Essential As… Air. And Without It, There Is No Life. There Is Only… Darkness.”
“When You Base Your Expectations Only On What You See, You Blind Yourself To The Possibilities Of A New Reality.”
“Nature Is Constantly Changing – Like The Wind.”

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Zaheer from the anime Legend of Korra. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!