The Survey Corps was led by Erwin Smith, the 13th commander. Erwin was taller than most Survey Corps personnel and had a muscular frame with his blond hair parted neatly on the left side. Erwin was a capable commander who was thoughtful, bright, and well-liked. While he loved profoundly about his soldiers, he was willing to put their lives on the line for the good and prosperity of mankind, and his men were more than willing to do so. Erwin created the Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation throughout his career, and he later nominated Hange Zo as his successor owing to uncertainties regarding his future.

“If You Begin To Regret, You’ll Dull Your Future Decisions And Let Others Make Your Choices For You.”
Erwin Smith
“It’s Us Who Gives Meaning To Our Comrades’ Lives!”
Erwin Smith

“None Of It Matters As You Lie, Bleeding Out, On The Battlefield.”
Erwin Smith
“So Many Times I Thought Death Would Be So Much Easier.”
Erwin Smith

“They Want To Know What Became Of The Hearts They Gave.”
Erwin Smith
“My Soldiers, Rage! My Soldiers, Scream! My Soldiers, Fight!”
Erwin Smith

“There Is No Future Where Humanity Can Inhabit These Lands Without Eren!”
Erwin Smith
“The One Within The Female Titan Is Wearing Our Uniform Right Now.”
Erwin Smith

“This Moment! This Battle! Humanity’s Continued Survival Depends On It! So Once More, For Humanity’s Sake… Dedicate Your Hearts!”
Erwin Smith
“Sir, How Do You Know For Sure There’s Nobody On The Other Side Of The Walls?”
Erwin Smith

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Erwin Smith from the anime Attack on Titan. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!