BlackStar appears to be arrogant, noisy, immature, and egotistic towards the start of the series. Despite the fact that he fights as an assassin, he chooses to forget about the Way of Assassination by shouting and making his presence known, owing to his huge need for attention. BlackStar is transformed by the Lust chapter of the Book of Eibon into a teenaged young woman with slightly shorter and less spiky hair, giving her a more feminine appearance. His male trousers become a lighter tint, in contrast to his female ones. He also has a good deal of physical prowess.

“I am the great assassin Black Star! & I’ve come here to assassinate you all!”
Black Star
“Sometimes I’m such a big star I can’t handle it.”
Black Star

“It was awesome! I was the biggest star in the whole room yesterday!”
Black Star
“Dying now. My breath will be erased, okay?”
Black Star

“My name is Black☆Star. I’ll surpass the power of the gods.”
Black Star
“Compared to a man as big as me, you realize how small you are don’t you? I understand how you feel. Even I can be frightened by my own greatness. So I find it difficult to stand in front of mirrors.”
Black Star

“You can look high or low but you wont find a bigger guy than me!”
Black Star
“Finishing Strike! Black Star Big Wave!”
Black Star

“It could be real difficult to hide when you’re as big a star as I am.”
Black Star
“You wont be laughing once you taste our power of friendship!”
Black Star

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Black Star from the Anime Soul Eater. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!