Pain is one of the deepest and most thoughtful characters in Naruto. The sad and tragic tale of pain is truly the main reason why Naruto became as famous as it is today.
Yahiko and Nagato are two best friends and fellow students of Jirariya Sensei. trying to rid the world of pain and suffer the form the Akatsuki Group.
With their dark role in the series, they have shown the ugly side of humanity and the pain that comes with it. SO here are some of the best Pain Quotes of All time:

32+ Best Pain Quotes From Naruto:
“Love breeds sacrifice… which in turn breeds hatred. Then you can know pain.”
– Pain
“Pain Is The Only Way To Teach, Pain Is The Only Solution To Peace. If You Want To Know Peace, You Need To Understand Pain.”
When we lose someone precious to us, hate is born.
“Learn to embrace the fear of feeling about what it’s like to contemplate what it is to know true pain. Because when I had nothing and no one – I always had pain.”
Dying like trash, Never ending hatred, Pain that never heals, That is war, This is what we must face.
“There is no such thing as real peace! It’s impossible as long as we live in this accursed world!”
– Pain
Just because you understand them doesn’t mean you can come to an agreement, That’s the truth.
“We are but men, drawn to act in the name of revenge that we deem to be justice. But… if there is justice in revenge then that same justice will breed only more revenge… and trigger a cycle of hatred.”
– Pain
“Sometimes You Must Hurt In Order To Know, Fall In Order To Grow, Lose In Order To Gain, Because Life’s Greatest Lessons Are Learned Through Pain.”
“Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace.”
– Pain
“Justice comes from vengeance, but that justice only breeds more vengeance.”
– Pain
“Because of the existence of love – sacrifice is born. As well as hate and one comprehends… one knows PAIN.”
“Pain is the way to bring peace.”
“Love is sacrifice…”
“How can you say that you will never change? That you will not change, no matter how great the pain you face? Can you continue believing in yourself forever? and can you guarantee it? Can you have such faith in yourself?!
“You think you’re the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together.”
– Pain
“It was just like this, when my parents were killed right before my eyes…by shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. Because of the existence of love, sacrifice is born, as well as hate. When one comprehends, one knows pain.”
“Human nature pursues strife.”
– Pain

“Even the most ignorant, innocent child will eventually grow up as they learn what true pain is. It affects what they say, what they think… and they become real people.”
– Pain
If you kill someone, someone else will kill you, this hatred binds us together
“When I Had Nothing And No One, I Always Had Pain.”
“Feel pain, think about pain, accept pain, know pain… Shinra Tensei!”
– Pain
“Too many people have died here…their pain is what helped me grow up.”
“Do you understand pain a little now? If you don’t share someone’s pain, you can never understand them. But just because you understand them doesn’t mean you can come to an agreement. That’s the truth.”
– Pain
“Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because. No matter how pathetic the reason, it’s enough to start a war.”
– Pain
“Even innocent foolish children will grow up in the face of pain, until their thoughts and beliefs are the same as their doubts.”
– Pain
“Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated.”
– Pain
Eventually, time will pass and the pain will heal. -Pain
Even children are forced to grow up in the face of pain. -Pain
“People are stupid. If I don’t do this, there will be no peace. Eventually, time will pass and the pain will heal. Eventually, checkmate’s power will weaken and people will begin fighting again. This time, they will use the weapon themselves and once more know true pain. And for the short time, peace will come again. It will give birth to short period of peace within this endless chain of hatred. That’s my wish.”
– Pain
“Love is the reason why there is pain. When we lose someone precious to us, hate is born. Vengeance is the product of that hate and so death follows. But in death there is only more death. This will give rise to more pains. In this cursed world we live in, it is a cycle of hatred that will not cease. You and I seek the same thing that Jiraiya-sensei wanted. Let me ask you this: How will you confront this hatred in order to create peace?”
– Pain
“You are a curious fellow. You remind me of how I once was. I wasn’t able to believe in Jiraya. Nor…could I believe in myself. However…I have a feeling that, unlike me, you will walk towards a different future. I think I shall believe in you…Naruto Uzumaki.”

That’s all folks. These were some of the best Pain Quotes of all time. If I missed any Pain Quotes then do let me know in the comment section below.