We have some of the top anime games on Roblox that you can play for free to cater to devoted anime lovers who are also avid gamers. Each game on this list draws inspiration from a different popular anime series, and each one’s gameplay closely resembles the turmoil and activity that occur in the daily lives of your favourite anime characters. So these Roblox games are the gateway to your favourite anime universes, whether you want to wield a Nichirin sword like Tanjiro from Demon Slayer or defeat animals like Levi from Attack on Titan. Now, there are many of them to investigate, so let’s get started right now!
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

The game continues the courtroom-style gameplay of previous Ace Attorney installments. Including the fully 3D environments and character models that are seen in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies. The game is divided into two parts: investigation and testimonies, and courtroom battles. Similar to Takumi’s previous game, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, the player must sometimes cross-examine multiple witnesses at once. Potentially gaining new information by addressing one witness when they react to another’s statement. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Genshin Impact

The player can control their character and perform stamina-limited actions such as running, climbing, swimming, and gliding. Some characters have abilities that allow them to change the environment. There are numerous teleportation nodes throughout the world to which players can warp as a form of fast travel, including landmarks known as Statues of The Seven. It can heal and revive characters and provide benefits such as increasing player stamina. Food and ore can be obtained from the open world. While enemies and treasure chests drop other resources that can be used to improve a character’s strength. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot currently has seven playable characters that the player will guide throughout the story. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Future Trunks, Gotenks, and Vegito are among them. The player will unlock new characters to play as they progress through the game. In addition to the playable characters, the player will be able to choose two supporting characters to assist them in battle. Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, Android 18, Goten, and Kid Trunks are some of the current characters. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Final Fantasy XIV

In contrast to Final Fantasy XI, where party-based gameplay is always at the forefront. The gameplay in Final Fantasy XIV was tweaked so that players could go long periods without joining a party. There was no auto-attack option, so each action had to be performed manually while an enemy was targeted. Each action depleted a stamina bar. Players accumulated EXP by defeating monsters, crafting items, and completing quests. It automatically increased the player’s level when a certain threshold was reached. Level-influenced attributes such as HP (health/hit points), MP (magic/mana points), and the number of abilities available to the player. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Dragon Quest XI

Dragon Quest XI continues the series’ previous games’ gameplay, in which players explore worlds. They also fight various monsters, including the ability to explore high areas. The Nintendo 3DS version differs from the others in that it displays 3D graphics on the top screen and 16-bit styled sprites on the bottom screen. Players can freely switch between 3D and 2D graphical styles outside of battle. On land, the game’s battle system, like that of Dragon Quest IX, features no random encounters. The battle system also includes a free-form camera option inspired by the MMORPG Dragon Quest X. It allows players to move around the enclosed battlefield visually. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom

When players come into contact with enemies, they enter a battle system. Battles take place on an open battlefield, with players free to roam around. During battles, players command a single ally from their party. A party is made up of three characters that can be switched between at any time during the battle. The other two characters, who are not controlled by the player, fight on their own. Players fight enemies with melee attacks, magical abilities, and “Higgledies.” Higgledies are small creatures that come in a variety of forms, each representing one of six elements, each with its own set of strengths. A party of up to four players can exist at the same time. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy was released for the Nintendo 3DS on April 17, 2014. It was also released on February 21, 2019, in Japan for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and on April 9, 2019, internationally. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
BlazBlue: Central Fiction

There are new mechanics and changes to the gameplay from BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend. The duration of the Overdrive activation is now shown as a countdown timer under the Burst Gauge. The character portrait near the health bar shakes when taking damage. Each character’s emblem appears on their side when the phrase “The Wheel of Fate is Turning” appears at the start of the first Rebel. The following are the new gameplay mechanics. Exceed Accel, a special type of Distortion Drive that is activated with the same input as Overdrive activation by holding it or pressing it. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Dragon Ball FighterZ

The gameplay is influenced by ideas from other fighting games. The control scheme and team mechanics are inspired by the Marvel vs. Capcom series, and the overall presentation is similar to other Arc System Works games. From an initial roster of Dragon Ball franchise characters, each player chooses three characters to form a team. One character is in command and can be replaced by any of the other characters at any time. Players can also summon one of their other characters to perform an “Assist” move, allowing them to attack and combo with the entire team at the same time. For a player to win the game, all three characters on the same team must be defeated. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

The game’s story mode, which is told in a visual novel format, is now divided into two separate campaigns for the Persona 3 and Persona 4 casts, as opposed to the previous game’s campaigns for each character. There are two additional story campaigns available: one allows players to replay the Persona 4 Arena character campaigns, while the other is included with the Tohru Adachi downloadable content and focuses on his actions throughout the story. Golden Arena is a dungeon-based survival mode in which players explore various dungeons to improve the fighter’s stats. Players can form Social Links with a navigator character, which grants them abilities that can help the player in battle. It is one of the Top Anime Games.
Persona 5 Strikers

The game’s protagonist, Joker, can wield multiple Personas, which he obtains through random drops or by defeating named mini-bosses in dungeons. These Personas can then be brought to the Velvet Room and fused to form new Personas. Persona 5’s Confidant system is missing. Requests, a type of side-quest, have taken its place, as has the BOND system, where increasing its level can grant players bonuses such as stat boosts. BOND levels can be raised by interacting with party members, winning battles, and progressing through the game’s story.

Fate/Extella is a single-player action game in which the player assumes the role of a “master” who collaborates with spirits known as servants to fight large numbers of enemies in a manner reminiscent of Dynasty Warriors. The player can personalize the master by selecting a name and gender. The game includes sixteen playable servants divided into eight classes: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Caster, Assassin, Rider, Berserker, and Extra Class. The Saber swordswoman Nero Claudius has powerful sword skills and balanced abilities; the Caster magus Tamamo no Mae can use magic skills and raw firepower but has a lower defense, and the Saber swordswoman Attila has a violent battle style.
Scarlet Nexus

The world around you becomes your greatest weapon when you use psycho-kinetic abilities. Build your attack combos by lifting, breaking, and throwing pieces of your environment. Mutants who have deranged descended from the sky and are immune to conventional weapons and defenses. To relieve the constant pain of their mutation, they seek the brains of living organisms.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost ON

Extreme Vs. introduces two significant gameplay changes. The ability to dash-cancel one’s attacks enables the player to string together larger and more damaging combos. Extreme Burst is a super mode similar to older games’ Awakenings that can be activated by simultaneously pressing Shoot, Melee, and Jump when a meter at the bottom of the screen fills. All playable machines also have a super-effective Burst Attack, which is activated by simultaneously pressing Shoot, Melee, and Jump while Extreme Burst is active. Full Boost grants Burst Attacks to all mobile suits in the game.
Persona 5

When the player character comes into contact with the enemy, they can launch a surprise attack to gain a combat advantage if the enemy has not spotted them. Battles are now conducted using a real-time combat system. When using Persona skills, however, players will use a command-based skills menu. The battle will pause during this menu to allow tactical positioning of the Persona skills. If the party deals critical damage or damage that the enemy is vulnerable to, the enemy may be knocked down for an ‘All-Out Attack’ that deals massive damage. By controlling the characters manually and defeating enemies, all party members can learn new moves known as Master Arts.
Attack on Titan 2

The game follows the anime’s story, beginning in the year 845 when the Titans first attacked and destroyed the Walls. At first, the player controls Eren Jaeger, but as the game progresses, Mikasa Ackermann, Armin Arlelt, and other Scout Regiment members become playable characters. The main story of the game spans from episode 1 To You in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1 to episode 25 Wall: Assault on Stohess, Part 3, while the epilogue spans from episode 26 Beast Titan to episode 32 Close Combat while avoiding the vast majority of spoilers that would later be covered in Season 2 of the anime.
Valkyria Chronicles

The main series of games employ a turn-based system known as BLiTZ (Battle of Live Tactical Zones), whereas the later installment is described as real-time with strategy elements. These games take place in alternate versions of Earth during the twentieth century’s wars. The main character of the first game, Valkyria Chronicles, is Welkin Gunther. Except for Valkyria Revolution, Selvaria Bles has appeared in every single installment.
Tales of Berseria

The game, like previous Tales titles, employs a variant of the Linear Motion Battle System (LMBS). Berseria’s version is known as the “Liberation-LMBS” because players can freely move around the arena and rotate the camera while in battle. Characters fight using physical and magical attacks, as well as performing Artes, which have various effects on enemies, such as stunning them or causing status ailments. Artes can be assigned to various control buttons. Outside of attacking, abilities include defending against attacks, sidestepping around opponents, and fleeing the battle.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

The game places the player in a hub where they can duel against various NPCs. They can also access the Gate from here, which allows them to duel against Legendary Duelists. The player’s current stage will also be displayed. Players can advance to the next stage by completing missions within the stage, which gradually unlocks more difficult opponents and Legendary Duelists at the Gate. As the player progresses through the stages, he or she will be able to unlock Character Unlock Missions.

The player progresses through a series of puzzle stages with the ultimate goal of reaching a demon girl, appropriately answering her question, and incorporating her into the player’s demon harem. Each puzzle stage entails moving stones and skeleton soldiers around a two-dimensional top-down grid similar to Sokoban while staying within a set turn limit, avoiding spike traps, and collecting key items. After reaching the goal, the demon girl for that stage will ask a question, and the player must infer the correct answer based on her personality. An incorrect answer may result in a bad ending, such as death, which will send the player back to the stage’s beginning.
Persona 4 Golden

Personas, avatars projected from one’s inner self that resembles mythological figures and represents the façades worn by individuals to face life’s difficulties, are central to the game. Each Persona has its own set of skills, as well as strengths and weaknesses in certain areas. Personas can learn new skills as they gain battle experience and level up, which can include offensive or support abilities used in battle, as well as passive skills that grant the character benefits. Each Persona can hold up to eight skills at once, with older ones having to be forgotten to learn new ones.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

The player can explore the school grounds from a first-person perspective during School Life, with more areas of the academy becoming available as the game progresses. While in one of the rooms, players move a crosshair cursor to initiate conversations with characters or examine various aspects of the environment. Examining specific objects yields Monokuma Coins, which can be used to unlock presents at a capsule machine in the school shop. The school day is divided into two parts: “Daily Life” and “Deadly Life.” In the Daily Life sections, players interact with various characters and advance the plot by using dating sim elements. By “reacting to” specific comments, new information can be revealed.
Everlasting Summer

The game, which runs on the Ren’Py visual novel engine, employs texts and sprites like many Japanese visual novels. At various points, the player must make decisions that affect dialogue and determine the game’s path. The game has several endings, some of which show Semyon developing a romantic relationship with one of the female characters, while others do not. Some of the endings are not available until you complete the other endings.
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker

The Naruto series returns with a brand new adventure in NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER! This new game allows players to battle as a four-person team against other teams online! SHINOBI STRIKER is also designed from the ground up in a completely new graphic style. Lead your team in an online battle to determine who the best ninjas are!
That’s all folks! These were the Top 25 Anime Games You Need to Play. If you know any more awesome anime games do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!
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