Top 8 famous quotes of Amai Mask from anime One-Punch Man

Sweet Mask has demonstrated that he will follow any method that makes heroes popular. He points out that only advancements to S-Class or A-Class are worthy of his attention because those are the heroes who receive the most public attention, and any heroes in those levels who develop unfavorable reputations will tarnish his own. As a result, Sweet Mask remains at A-Class Rank 1 to prevent unfit heroes from being promoted to S-Class. He also places high importance on his popularity and prestige, displaying a narcissistic and opinionated self-perception. Sweet Mask values his status and reputation so much that he is willing to go to such lengths to maintain it.

“Anyone can become a hero if you feel the desire for peace in your heart!”

Amai Mask

“The association told me to bring you back alive, but I’m not that sweet.”

Amai Mask

“You think bargaining with me is going to work? Hideous creature, prepare to die.”

Amai Mask

“I am an all-rounder who can gracefully defeat any opponent. I fear nothing.”

Amai Mask

“I can’t win against this one! Even the handsome, highly intelligent, capable, brave, mighty warrior worth a thousand men, the perfect hero “Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask” cannot win this!”

Amai Mask

“Those muscles are proof that you won your way through life, aren’t they? Don’t let your weak self take over. I’m the same. No matter how many setbacks, no matter how many times I disappoint myself, I’ll stand back up and continue forward. That’s what a hero does.”

Amai Mask

“Life’s not that sweet. You really think a pseudo-monster would be able to lead a team of heroes? Our leader has to be the ideal human.”

Amai Mask

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, evildoer!”

Amai Mask

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Amai Mask from the anime One-Punch Man. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!

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